Independent. Solution driven. Innovation CHAMPION. DRIVEN BY Conviction.

Who is hase & Igel?

Hase & Igel  is an AI software company specializing in solutions that enable faster, more accurate, predictive decision-making in marketing and sales. We always remain neutral: if our solutions recommend you to take a certain step (e.g. more budget for a channel or the acquisition of another company), we do not earn one euro more from it. We are committed only to the truth and your success.

Founded in Oldenburg in 2018 by the experienced marketing and data expert Jan Schoenmakers  (happy to network), we bring together the expertise of AI developers, data scientists, statistics experts, social scientists and economists. Always with an ironclad focus on the daily benefits for practitioners.

Silber: Most Innovative Tech-Company of the Year Worldwide (up to 100 employees)

Most Innovative Tech-Company of the Year Worldwide (up to 100 employees)

Our approximately 150 customers are spread across all industries and sizes: from startups to global corporations, from mechanical engineering companies to house banks.

Involved in  Hase & Igel , ind addition to Jan as founder (69.9%), the strategy consultancy  Advyce (25.1%), with whom we develop AI tools for the consulting process outside of marketing and sales, and our development manager Philipp (5%).


We create the system  for data-driven, predictive decision-making in the marketplace

No market and no democracy can function without transparency. We create clarity for decision-makers – for informed discussions and the right course. To do this, we use an incorruptible, always up-to-date basis: the measured behavior of market participants.

“Recognizing how the rabbit runs – to give the competition a run for its money”.

We empower our customers to make faster and better decisions with data – for greater cost efficiency and higher revenue. 

To this end, we develop solutions that combine data from your company with behavioral data from customers and competitors as well as information from the environment. Instead of looking at individual silos, the power of artificial intelligence creates an all-round view that provides a much better basis for decision-making. 

Our system identifies the patterns, trends and drivers that are critical to success and provides concrete recommendations for action so that our customers can concentrate on the things that really matter. We remain neutral and do not profit directly or indirectly from the recommendations we make. 

HASE & IGEL is a way of thinking – the opportunities behind it should belong to everyone

We burn for functioning markets – whether goods, financial or opinion markets. With our AI system and our view of data, we can contribute quite a bit. And even though, as a commercial enterprise, we naturally want to continue to grow profitably, we think: Money must not stand in the way of truth. Integrity is the supreme value.

That’s why we regularly use our technology to shed light on our own initiative on socially important issues where we believe this is necessary to provide transparency and a good basis for decision-making for all stakeholders. And we support investigative journalists, shareholder protectors, NGOs and other “enlighteners” in using Big Data & AI to get to the bottom of “foul play”. In addition, we are committed to teaching as many people as possible how to handle data themselves in a Hase&Igel  way

Social responsibility