On the one hand, by winning new clients and improving the loyalty of existing ones – with solutions that really stand out. And on the other hand, by developing the optimal media and content strategy for your clients with the help of big data and AI. Because our tools not only show you what motivates your target audiences, but also in which context, at what times and on which channels they can be found.





  • Know almost in real time when you can address your target groups most effectively and efficiently on which channel with which budget – without cookies!
  • Understand precisely how target groups perceive your customers’ topics and products and where positioning opportunities lie.
  • Provide your customers with award-winning transparency on advertising performance and get more out of it for them every day – with confirmed success drivers and realistic benchmarks.
  • Quickly and efficiently find the clients you really want to work for.


  • Know almost in real time when you can address your target groups most effectively and efficiently on which channel with which budget – without cookies!
  • Understand precisely how target groups perceive your customers’ topics and products and where positioning opportunities lie.
  • Provide your customers with award-winning transparency on advertising performance and get more out of it for them every day – with confirmed success drivers and fair benchmarks.
  • Quickly and efficiently find the clients you really want to work for.

What is your

How can we
help you?

Where do you want
to start?

Uncover positioning opportunities and winning themes

Determine market potential and forecast sales

Identify trends & innovations

Screen competitors

Benchmark and optimize marketing & sales success


Discover trends and keywords

Identify the best channels and times

Set realistic goals and allocate budgets optimally

Measure, evaluate and optimize success across channels

Addressing target groups precisely (contextual targeting)

Finding the perfect business clients

Monitor reputation opportunities and risks

cheers to success


Many liquors are drunk especially in bars, clubs and festivals. This one, too. Corona lockdowns thus threaten sales and brand. What to do? Lead agency Drehmoment relies on solutions from Hase & Igel – and finds those drinking occasions, recipes and media for the brand that keep it in the hearts and throats of consumers.


The industrial company uses Hase & Igel’s analysis tools to identify and develop new markets for its product range. Within twelve months, it finds the right countries, industries, and use cases, understands the needs, and scouts attractive target customers. This enables the company to grow profitably despite declines in its core segments.

In order to succeed quickly, a manufacturer of document management systems wants to understand how its competitors operate before entering a new product segment: what strategies they pursue, what channels they are present in, and what budgets they operate with. Hase & Igel helps to attack with the right instruments.

In China, it is one of the big players in the booming electric car market. Now the manufacturer is planning to enter Western markets – with a focus on corporate fleets. For this, the company wants to understand the trends on the customer side: what are the decisive motives of fleet managers to opt for electric cars, which topics, channels and search terms are becoming more important in this context. 



We distinguish between a pure use of the application, a white labeling and a distribution partnership:

Pure use of the application: You use our applications to make your work more efficient and even more accurate. This makes you and your clients happy – and the innovative, award-winning approach with Big Data & AI differentiates you from the competition.

White labeling: You can sell your clients useful additional services: Analytics with Hase & Igel tools. This is especially exciting for clients who would not use a corresponding high-end strategy, ideation or campaign planning tool often enough or do not have the in-house expertise to purchase their own license. For such purposes, we can white-label your instances so that the analytics go to the client in your colors and with your logo (instead of ours).

Distribution partnership: If you see that our tools make sense for your clients, we are of course happy if you awaken them to these possibilities – and then plan and optimize the campaigns for the customers based on the results.

Depending on the solution, between “get started immediately” and a few weeks. You don’t have to initiate an IT project, hire experts for it, or wait long. Our tools are fast, simple and intuitive.

Anyone and everyone who books them and abides by the terms of use can use our applications. But what you do with it is up to you: your analytics setups, the data from your results, your reports are things that no one gets to see but you (and anyone you show such things to).
We will never do anything with our users’ data – not even for our own marketing. That’s not our business model: we sell software solutions for better decisions – not user data.

  • We don’t want to sell you advertising inventory. We provide you with neutral evaluations of media, channels and their performance.
  • Our tools provide you with immediate insights – sometimes even years back – without you having to wait for interviews, studies, etc. first. Compared to anything where manual work is involved, this is also much more efficient.
  • You don’t just get dashboards that find posts and measure campaigns, but a clear assessment of where the really robust correlations, patterns and trends are, and tips on how to use them to make concrete decisions.
  • With our tools, you can figure out what the drivers of success are, and plan ahead instead of just knowing after the fact what went well and what didn’t.
  • You and your customers don’t have to go through lengthy, expensive IT projects and system rollouts – our solutions live in the cloud and are ready to go for many common use cases.
  • Good question. Grab a few of the best AI developers, a few absolute statistics nerds, and plug in your brightest strategy minds. Then add a few UX designers and software experts. Shake it up, stir it around, and you’re done – competition is good for business 😉
  • However, why should clients think your analysis is independent with your in-house tools? Won’t they always assume that in the end, the result will be what you can best use to sell them your services? We, on the other hand, are neutral. This works. Also with your clients.