One of the core tasks of an association is to be a concise voice for its members in public and to help shape the discussion in the industry. But what are the topics on which members expect a positioning – and where are there currently opportunities to break through the avalanche of constant communication? Member surveys can at least answer the first question – but only at fairly long intervals and with considerable effort. The second part of the question, on the other hand, often remains a mixture of gut feeling and “trial & error”. With an intelligent automated solution, AIKA wants to increase campaign capability in this respect.
For this, AIKA uses the Neutrum AI TARGETER from Hase & Igel, with the Innovation Monitor Plugin. Around all topics that affect agencies and their associations, the algorithms continuously collect all public posts and reactions via a media monitoring solution connected via API (programming interface). The algorithms analyze the patterns, to which posts on which topics people in the relevant environment currently react particularly strongly, how this changes over time and how strong the communicative competition currently is. On the one hand, this makes it possible to see continuously – and not just in the next survey wave – what is moving the industry. The system also recognizes on which aspects with good activation the chances are currently best to place one’s own content. Using send-time optimization, the AI TARGETER shows per topic in which medium and at what time an own “impact” is most promising in order to achieve as much reach or as many reactions as possible.
AIKA is now in a position to identify winning topics faster and more precisely, to recognize positioning opportunities for these much earlier and to seize them directly. The office and the advertising agency rely directly on this radar in their choice of topic, format and timing, and have thus significantly increased the visibility and response rate for AIKA in the desired range of topics.
Hase & Igel GmbH
Julius-Mosen-Platz 3
26122 Oldenburg
Tel: +49-4432-9884725